Zero Emissions Certificate 2024

Zero Emissions Certificate 2024

Grifo Marchetti has gained recognition for its green innovation in a world that prioritizes sustainability. This company in Piadena Drizzona, Cremona, prioritizes sustainability as a core part of its corporate philosophy.

With great pride, Grifo Marchetti announces that it has obtained the prestigious Zero Emissions Certificate for the year 2024. This award is just the beginning of our journey towards a more sustainable future. We are committed to continuously working towards a greener future where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand.

The environmental policies adopted by Grifo Marchetti have been effective and far-sighted. The company worked to lessen its impact on the environment in Cremona by investing time and resources. This dedication results in environmentally friendly production that helps reach global carbon neutrality goals by 2050.

But Grifo Marchetti does not stop here. The company wants to keep the high quality of its Italian-made products and also focus on environmental goals. Grifo Marchetti shows how innovation and environmental responsibility can work together in the industry. This serves as a positive example for others.

Grifo Marchetti is proud of reaching a new milestone. However, they know there is still a long way to go towards a sustainable future. For this reason, Grifo Marchetti invites all its customers and friends to celebrate this important result together. The company also encourages everyone to support initiatives for a greener and more sustainable future.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can build a future where innovation and sustainability are not only possible, but are the norm. Together, we can make Grifo Marchetti and our world a better place. Thank you for your support and for being part of this journey towards a greener and more sustainable future.